Monday, September 11, 2017

Lessons slowly learned

Tonight was rough with Hayden. He has trouble staying on task with most things he does. He also has a hard time obeying. I know that the latter is my fault. I give him too many chances and don't follow through with consequences when he doesn't obey. I've also made him lazy. When he was younger I would do everything for him. Everything from getting dressed to cleaning up after him. I'm a control freak and feel that what is the point of him doing it when I can do it faster and better. Well the point is, what is he learning by me doing it for him? He learns to be lazy. He learns that if he just doesn't do it, mom will.

I need to stop. Stop letting him get away with being lazy. Stop doing things for him. Give him chores. Make him work. Give consequences when he doesn't do it or when he's disrespectful. And follow through. Don't cave. It's hard. You don't want to see your kids sad or mad. But I think what's worse than seeing your kid sad is seeing your kid lazy, disrespectful, and entitled. So far my kid has been lazy, disrespectful and entitled. I need to change it. He needs to be held accountable for his actions. He's almost 9. He can do things for himself.

He can do this! And so can I! I hope.....

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